Energy inventions

Kenosha Engineering

About us

Where Energy Inventions Meet Energy Efficiency

Kenosha Engineering is an award-winning company that specializes in developing cutting-edge engineering solutions. Their patented accelerator and decelerator gears have been recognized for their significant contribution to the industry. Prototype testing has also demonstrated that these inventions can increase service life and efficiency in a range of applications. Kenosha Engineering is currently seeking to license or partner with interested parties who want to take advantage of these state-of-the-art inventions. By collaborating with other companies and industries, Kenosha Engineering aims to bring their innovative technologies to a wider audience and transform the way machines and equipment operate.

Let’s solve Problems

Our Inventions Are The Future…

Electric Vehicle Transmission

State-of-the-art electric vehicle transmission technology.

Wind Power Accelerator

We have revolutionized how we harness clean, renewable energy from the wind.

Don’t Wait

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